How to get filename from Sharepoint resource library

How do I get the filename of an image from a SharePoint 2013 asset library?

I am trying to write a JQuery / REST snippet to find a subset of images in a library based on their other column values ​​and display them. I would use FileLeafRef

in the case of a document library, but couldn't find an equivalent field in the Object Library.

I have tried the following so far, and it is not returning the filename: https: /// CRM / _api / Web / Lists / GetByTitle ('Publish% 20List') / select items = Filename / & extension = File? https: /// CRM / _api / Web / Lists / GetByTitle ('Publish% 20List') / select items = FileLeafRef


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2 answers

There is a typo in your example, in particular the symbol is $

missing for parameters $select

and $expand

( more ).

The following rest endpoints demonstrate how to get the filename from the Assets library:

1) Using the property FileLeafRef


/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('<list title>')/items?$select=FileLeafRef


2) Using the property File/Name


/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('<list title>')/items?$select=File/Name&$expand=File


3) Using the property Folder/Files


/_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('<list url>')/files?$select=Name  




I believe yt is still FileLeafRef

for asset library. Is there any chance you could put the relevant code in your question?

Here's the endpoint breakpoint for FileLeafRef


/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('<list title>')/items?$select=FileLeafRef


Alternatively, you can always use the property File Name


/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('<list title>')/items?$select=File/Name&$expand=File




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