Recursive sql count

I have a table like this:

id    activity            pay       parent   
1     pay all             -         null     
2     pay tax             10 $      1        
3     pay water bills     -         1        
4     fix house           -         null     
5     fix roof            1 $       4          
6     pay drinking water  1 $       3        


I want to get a table like this:

id    activity            pay       parent   matriks
1     pay all             {11 $}    null     1       (pay tax + pay water bills)
2     pay tax             10 $      1        1-2
3     pay water bills     {1 $}     1        1-3     (pay drinking water)
4     fix house           {1 $}     null     4       (fix roof)
5     fix roof            1 $       4        4-5     
6     pay drinking water  1 $       3        1-3-6


Counting from child to parent: The problem is that water bills are not counted in drinking water, all expenses are paid if labor tax or paid water has no wages.


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1 answer

I tried this on our postgres db (version 8.4.22) as the fiddle was a little slow for my taste. But the SQL can be inserted in there and it works for postgres.

Still here the fiddle demo takes like 20 seconds, but then faster.

This is what gives the calculated results for me. (I didn't format it to suit your requirements, because in my opinion the main exercise was calculation.) This assumes that your table is called activity


with recursive rekmatriks as(
    select id, activity, pay, parent, id::text as matriks, 0 as lev
        from activity
        where parent is null
    union all
    select, activity.activity,, activity.parent,
           rekmatriks.matriks || '-' || as matriks,
           rekmatriks.lev+1 as lev
        from activity inner join rekmatriks on activity.parent =
, reksum as (
    select id, activity, pay, parent, matriks, lev, coalesce(pay,0) as subsum
        from rekmatriks
        where not exists(select id from rekmatriks rmi where
    union all
    select rekmatriks.*, reksum.subsum+coalesce(, 0) as subsum
        from rekmatriks inner join reksum on = reksum.parent)

select id, activity, pay, parent, matriks, sum(subsum) as amount, lev
    from reksum
group by id, activity, pay, parent, matriks, lev
order by id


As a bonus, this provides the nesting depth of the identifier. 0 for the parent, 1 for the first sublevel, etc. This uses two recursive WITH queries to achieve what you want. The calculated value is needed in the column amount


The first ( rekmatriks

) processes the ids in the table from top to bottom, starting with any ids that have a parent NULL

. The recursive part just takes the parent id and adds its own id to it to get your matriks tree view field.

The second ( reksum

) works from bottom to top and starts on all lines that have no children. The recursive part of this query selects the parent row for each child row selected in the non-recursive part and calculates the sum pay

and subsum

for each row. This creates multiple lines per id, since one parent can have multiple children.

All that's left now is the final select statement. He uses GROUP BY

and SUM

to aggregate multiple subsidiaries amounts possible values in one line.

This works for your specific example. This can be unfortunate if different cases are not displayed in the data selection, for example, if an element with children carries a value that needs to be added.



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