Protractor: how to make the config file more flexible?

I have an idea to make my configurations more flexible. For example, I have 10,000 config files with the same parameters:

seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
specs: ['C:/Users/Lilia.Sapurina/Desktop/Protractor Tests/Scenarios/ps-grid-column-filter-range_spec.js'],
params: {'url_filter': 'http://wks-15103:8010/ps/ng-components/examples/ps-grid-column-filter-range.html'}


And as soon as I want to change the spec path, html, or change the selenium address. Can I do this in a different file for all my configs?

For example, write in my config:

seleniumAddress: '../Variables/seleniumAdress.txt'


Or maybe there are other interesting ways to solve this problem?


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2 answers

You can export your general config rules as node.js module:

// globalProtractor.conf.js    
module.exports = {
  seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
  specs: ['C:/Users/Lilia.Sapurina/Desktop/Protractor Tests/Scenarios/ps-grid-column-filter-range_spec.js'],
  params: {
    'url_filter': 'http://wks-15103:8010/ps/ng-components/examples/ps-grid-column-filter-range.html'


And use in another file

// protractor.conf.js
var globalConf = require('/path/to/globalProtractor.conf.js');

exports.config = globalConf;




With @driver_by's help, I found a good solution for my problem. Now my files are isolated. If I want to change the url or folder path, I only have to change the global config.

// globalProtractor.conf.js    
module.exports = {
  seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',

  baseUrl: 'http://wks-15103:8010/ps/ng-components/examples/',

  specs: [],

  path_to_scenario: '../Scenarios/',
  path_to_spec: '../Specs/',
  path_to_lib: '../Lib/'


And one more file:

// protractor.conf.js
var globalConf = require('../Global_configs/globalProtractor_conf.js');        
    globalConf.specs.push(path_to_spec + 'ps-grid-column-filter-range_spec.js');    

globalConf.params = {'url_filter': 'ps-grid-column-filter-range.html',                          
                     'column_number_filter': 5,                                                 
                     'req_lib_filter': globalConf.path_to_lib + 'jasmine-expect'}               
exports.config = globalConf;  




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