Getting raw sql in Yii2

I have a request:

$popular = self::find()
    ->from(self::tableName() . ' as t')


When I try to print sql:



This gives me:

SELECT * FROM "themes" "t"


So, I can get the complete raw query with "join":

SELECT * FROM "themes" "t" LEFT JOIN "users" u ON u.user_id = t.author_id



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2 answers

He has already answered here .

You can var_dump

generate SQL for instances ActiveQuery

like this:



However, I recommend using the inline debug model and panel.

PS . As for your specific request - with()

doesn't do it JOIN

, instead it does additional requests and populates the relationship attributes with the actual related records. To use JOIN

you need to explicitly specify it, for example with joinWith()




Hope this helps

$query = new Query;

$query  ->select(['themes.c1 AS d1', 'themes.c2 As d2..'])


        ->leftJoin('users', 'users.user_id = themes.author_id');

$command = $query->createCommand();

$data = $command->queryAll();




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