How to specify HTTP error 422 instead of 400 in Hapi Joi

Is there a way to get status 422 instead of 400 at


following @Matt Harrison answer

apply logic globally to your index.js

server.ext('onPreResponse', function (request, reply) {
    var req = request.response;
    if (req.isBoom && (req.output.statusCode===400)) {
            return reply(Boom.badData(req.output.payload.message));
        return reply.continue();



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1 answer

Joi itself doesn't know or care about HTTP or status codes. It's just for validating JavaScript values.

But I am assuming you are using Joi with hapi. In this case it is hapi, which gives you 400. You can override this using the property failAction

in the validation config .

You can also use Boom to generate a 422 error with HTTP support.

var Boom = require('boom');

    config: {
        validate: {
            failAction: function (request, reply, source, error) {

                reply(Boom.badData('Bad data',;
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: function (request, reply) {





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