What is this Lat-Lon performance?

I have a set of latitude and longitude coordinates that looks like,

  • Lat = 9339452, Lon = 4294611105
  • Lat = 9386855, Lon = 4294690789
  • Lat = 9388898, Lon = 4294697554
  • Lat = 9389437, Lon = 4294725570

I need a formula to convert the above GPS coordinates to radians or degrees. Please let me know if you are aware of such a GPS presentation.


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1 answer

The second number (4294 ...) is a negatively signed number (INT32), read as UINT32.

This will give

Lat=9339452, Lon=-356191
Lat=9386855, Lon=-276507
Lat=9388898, Lon=-269742
Lat=9389437, Lon=-241726


which would match lat / lon coordinates better (lon = 53ish, lat = -1.5ish).

Convert these numbers from radians to degrees and divide by 1e7:

Lat=53.51111825650155, Lon=-2.04082410005443,
Lat=53.78271744012741, Lon=-1.58426841058238,
Lat=53.79442296788193, Lon=-1.54550781574178,
Lat=53.79751121039769, Lon=-1.38498795985793,


those. f (x) = x * 180 / pi * 1e-7



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