Angular delay loading md-dialog material

I have a button that when clicked opens an md dialog. This dialog contains some pretty heavy html and javascript and the first time the button is clicked, it takes about half a second to display the dialog (I'm assuming the DOM is being generated since this won't repeat itself). Is there a way to avoid this lag?

UPDATE: I have narrowed down the problem by requiring the template to be compiled first. How do I attach a compiled template to a dialog box? Here's my dialogue:

    escapeToClose: true,
    parent: parentEl,
    targetEvent: $event,
    templateUrl: "someurl", //This gets a big html file
    locals: {
        items: $scope.items
    controller: ["$scope", "$mdDialog", DialogController]



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1 answer

You can use compile $ to precompile things. However, a better answer can be asked if you add your problematic source code to your question.


After looking at the code snippet, it seems more reasonable to prefill your templateCache instead of what I mentioned above. You can use $ templateCache.put for this.

$templateCache.put('mytemplate.html', '<b>My</b> template');


Preferably you add this during the build process; very handy plugins are available with Grunt or Gulp.



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