In PostgreSQL, how do I find which table is using a specific sequence?

I have a sequence called seque_post.

I need to figure out which table it is used in. Is there a way to write a query that will give the table name?

I wrote this query to find the sequence:

select *
from pg_class
where relname like 'seque_post'


is there reltoastrelid

, which according to the manual gives:

The OID of the TOAST table associated with this table, 0 if not. The TOAST table stores large off-row attributes in a secondary table.

but i'm not sure how to proceed here .. suggestions?


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3 answers

To find the table that the sequence is "associated" with, you can use something like this:

select seq_ns.nspname as sequence_schema, 
       seq.relname as sequence_name,
       tab_ns.nspname as table_schema,
       tab.relname as related_table
from pg_class seq
  join pg_namespace seq_ns on seq.relnamespace = seq_ns.oid
  JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = seq.oid AND d.deptype = 'a' 
  JOIN pg_class tab ON d.objid = seq.oid AND d.refobjid = tab.oid
  JOIN pg_namespace tab_ns on tab.relnamespace = tab_ns.oid
where seq.relkind = 'S' 
  and seq.relname = '[your sequence name]'
  and seq_ns.nspname = 'public';


Just to complete the picture:

The reverse way (finding a sequence for a column) is easier because Postgres has a function to find a sequence for a column:

select pg_get_serial_sequence('public.some_table', 'some_column');




The key directory here is pretty generic pg_depend

, which can include basically any two items of any type.

Casting ::regclass

is a magic trick for converting to and from oid

s, allowing you to search for something like this, without concatenations (but possible ambiguities):

    D.refobjid::regclass, -- the target table name
    D.* -- see docs for meaning of other columns
    pg_depend as D
    -- source is a relation (in this case, a sequence)
    D.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass 
    -- target is also a relation (in this case, a table)
    and D.refclassid = 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass
    -- source is the sequence you're looking for, fully qualified name
    and D.objid = 'public.seque_post'::regclass 




Try using pg_depend instead of pg_class:

SELECT d.refobjid::regclass, a.attname
FROM   pg_depend d
JOIN   pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = d.refobjid AND a.attnum = d.refobjsubid
WHERE  d.objid = 'public."seque_post"'::regclass;


If you add a join to pg_attribute, you even get a column name that uses the sequence. Listing :: regclass cast can be used to magically convert object identifiers to relation names.

Hope it helps.



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