Failed to start call C from go

I am trying to run a C call from go language code. Here is the program I'm running:

package main

// #include<proxy.h>

import "C"
import "fmt"

func main(){


Here is the content of the proxy.h file:

#ifndef PROXY_H
#define PROXY_H

#include <netinet/in.h>

#   define cmdexport
#   define cmdexport static

cmdexport const int CMD_SET_ROUTE = 1;
cmdexport const int CMD_DEL_ROUTE = 2;
cmdexport const int CMD_STOP      = 3;


Now, here is the error I get when trying to run this program:

pensu@ubuntu:~$ go run test.go 
# command-line-arguments
could not determine kind of name for C.CMD_SET_ROUTE


I am using gccgo-5 and am on version 1.4.2. Can you please help me figure out what exactly is going on here? TIA.


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1 answer

Four things:

  • You must use double quotes when including proxy.h

    as it is in the same directory as your file .go

  • There cannot be a blank line before the "C" and "C" comments.
  • You are missing #endif

    at the end proxy.h

  • You need to define CMD_DEFINE

    before enabling proxy.h

    . Otherwise, Go cannot access the static variable.

Below is the corrected code:

package main

// #define CMD_DEFINE
// #include "proxy.h"
import "C"
import "fmt"

func main(){


#ifndef PROXY_H
#define PROXY_H

#include <netinet/in.h>

#   define cmdexport
#   define cmdexport static

cmdexport const int CMD_SET_ROUTE = 1;
cmdexport const int CMD_DEL_ROUTE = 2;
cmdexport const int CMD_STOP      = 3;





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