Liquibase ignores @NotNull

I have @NotNull annotation for some fields. However, when I try to create a diffChangelog it removes all non-zero constraints

Example class:

public class User {

    private String email;


DiffChangeSet function:

<changeSet author="author (generated)" id="1437485184491-4">
    <dropNotNullConstraint columnDataType="varchar(255)" columnName="email" tableName="user"/>


The only solution seems to be adding extra @Column (nullable = false) annotation for each field. Can I do something so that I don't have to add additional annotation to each field.


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2 answers

This currently works for me when I install the add-ons:

@Column(nullable = false)


For some reason @NotNull doesn't work well with this org.liquibase.ext.liquibase-hibernate5



if anyone is still having problems with this, I recently found out that this was fixed in liquibase-hibernate5-3.7



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