SignalR - connecting to websocket service from javascript without SignalR library

I have a small SignalR project that I started that now all it does is get a string and return it to all connected users.

I'm wondering, since SignalR is opening websites on my server - how can I connect to the service using normal website javascript code? (I have a reason for doing this without the SignalR library).

I was looking at using Chrome Developer Tools and I found that the address the browser connects to is:



How do I generate a token?

Then it seems that the messages going between the client and the server are plain json text (which can be easily imitated):

{"C":"d-9E7D682A-A,2|E,0|F,1|G,0","M":[{"H":"ophirHubTest","M":"printEcho","A":["You said: test"]}]}


If I just try to connect than connect, but the connection closes quickly. If I remove the token, it closes immediately.

Can I manually connect to WS?


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1 answer

Before you can connect to the server, a connection occurs. This is when the server sends all the data it needs to send and receive messages. Without negotiating a connection, you will not be able to connect to the server. After you implement connection negotiation, you will probably be implementing the SignalR client twice. I wrote a message



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