MVC data access

I am very new to MVC technology. I set up my project perfectly and now I would like to add some functionality. I created and linked a database to my project.

Projects table



Error table

Project Id,


In the index view of my controller, I see the entire list of projects that can be clicked. If I click for example the "TEST" project, I want to show a new page and only show errors that match the project ID TEST.

I've been with this all day and can't get it to work. How do you do it?


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2 answers

  • Starting from the point where I assume you know how to colorize CRUD views using MVC.
  • So, based on point 1, you have Views [Create, Edit, List, Details] for your controller Project [ProjectController]
  • In the controller project you can write an action named BugDetails and call @Html.Action("BugDetails,Model.Id)

    in the viewDetails

Inside the Project Controller

 public ActionResult BugDetails(int id)
     using(var db = new YourDbContext())
          var bugs = db.Bugs.Where(m=> m.ProjectId == id);
          return PartialView(bugs);



@model IEnumerable<YourProject.Models.Bug>
      <th>Bug Name</th>
   @foreach(var bug in Model)


Details.cshtml associated with the project controller

@model YourProject.Models.Project

//... the details view goes here

@Html.Action("BugDetails","Project",new {id=}) // Project can be changed depends on how you called your project controller, I assumed that you called it *ProjectController*


The above code will display related errors in the project details view

I hope this helps you



Ok, I assume you have your classics:

public class Project
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }


    public ICollection<Bug> Bugs{ get; set; }

public class Bug
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int ProjectId { get; set; }

    public virtual Project Project { get; set; }



Then, to get a collection of errors for a gven project:

var bugs = _dbContext.Bugs.Where(p => p.ProjectId == id).ToList();




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