Symfony @Security annotation with custom voter

I wrote a custom voter to check if the user is the owner of the book he is trying to change. Therefore, I use the @Security annotation to secure the controller:

@Security("is_granted('BookVoter::ATTRIBUTE_OWNER', book)")


This is what I would like the @Security annotation to look like, but only works when writing the following:

@Security("is_granted('OWNER', book)")


I don't want to "hardcode" the "OWNER" string, it is a constant in my BookVoter. Any ideas how to achieve this?



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1 answer

What are you passing annotations to @Security

Expression Language .

SensionFrameworkExtraBundle provides a function is_granted

for the expression language ( see here ).

The default expression language has a function constant()

, so you should use it in your case:

@Security("is_granted(constant('\\Full\\Namespace\\To\\BookVoter::ATTRIBUTE_OWNER'), book)")


Please note that you must use the full namespace notation.



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