Ionic: manage multiple iOS collectors

I have an ionic application that I use to create multiple versions of the same application for different organizations. A gulp script changes all assets /config.xml. This works very well for Android as I have apks dumped into separate folders when signed, but I'm not sure how to do the same with iOS.

Is there a way to specify the output path of the project so that I can keep all project settings separate? I would not like to change certificates, provisioning profile, etc. Every time I create an app for a different organization.


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1 answer

I would suggest using Git and branches for this type of version control.

The master branch where you do all the common development that all applications will use.

A branch for each organization. Whenever you make specific changes for an organization, check out your branch, merge master into it (to update with general changes), and then make specific changes.

There are some great Git guides on github:



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