Neo4j LOAD CSV not working when multiline fields are encountered
> LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:/home/ubuntu/data/woka-data/woka-data.csv" AS row
> MERGE (woka:Woka {woka_id: row.woka_id, woka_title: row.woka_title});
IllegalMultilineFieldException: At file:/home/ubuntu/data/woka-data/woka-data.csv:834 - Multi-line fields are illegal in this context and so this might suggest that there a field with a start quote, but a missing end quote.
My kernel version is 2.2.3 and the file is quite large:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2508218727 Jul 21 17:54 woka-data.csv
Any hint how to fix this?
I changed the order of the fields in the file and now the first line of the message is sent on line 83. This is the line:
97801322605720000000,eng,Addison Wesley Longman,,"Wri& Speakg at Work& Build Own CC& Mst
: Perils"
This is a new line before
: Dangers
How to fix it?
This error seems to be related to this kernel version. Before upgrading, I used a similar file to import the same data having multi-line fields and it worked.
What can I do now?
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Found this gem in the source code. See if any lines (lines) in your csv have illegal quoting. Choose them and try again.
public class IllegalMultilineFieldException extends FormatException
public IllegalMultilineFieldException( SourceTraceability source )
super( source, "Multi-line fields are illegal in this context and so this might suggest that " + "there a field with a start quote, but a missing end quote." );
This was a problem before Neo4j 2.2.2. The bug report can be found here .
If you are using any version prior to 2.2.2 update and it should work
I am using the Neo4j kernel version - Diagram Database Kernel (neo4j-kernel), version: 2.2.3
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