Spotify Auto Save Open Weekly Playlists

Spotify new Discover Weekly that got killed this week, so I would like to set up a script to describe the autoplay playlist every Tuesday. First, is this possible with AppleScript or Web APIs? And secondly, what documents got me started?


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3 answers

This is a great idea and the Web API has the functionality you need to create it. (AppleScript doesn't.)

First, you should read the Authorization Guide , as you will need an access token to fulfill your requests. You will find that there are three threads, and one of them depends on how your application will work.

How can you find a custom Weekly playlist?

The Open Weekly URI is formatted spotify:user:spotifydiscover:playlist:{id}

and saved by default at the top of the playlist of playlists. You can get this list using Get a list of user playlist endpoints . However . There is absolutely no guarantee that this playlist is a Weekly custom playlist. The user may have followed a different custom Weekly Playlist and might even have canceled their own Weekly Search. Also . Please note that Discover Weekly playlists are default private

by default, which means you must get user permission to include them in your playlists. More about permissions in the section"Using Areas" on the developer's site.

User provides your app with their Weekly Weekly playlist

The simplest case I can imagine is when you let the user tell your app which playlist to start storing. You can do this by either allowing the user to enter the playlist URI directly, or re-using the Get Custom Playlist Endpoints endpoint to allow the user to select playlists. (Filter out all playlists that are not named Discover Weekly and owned by the user spotifydiscover


I really don't want to go into the Terms of Service here, but please read them to make sure your app isn't working. Do not violate them.

Good luck!



In Exchange Spotify Idea Exchange was suggested to the Spotify team that they create the ability for users to view / access previous Discover Weekly playlists. If this idea receives sufficient support ("kudos"), their development team may consider it for inclusion in the official client functionality.

In the meantime, a user on the same thread has created an IFTTT recipe that will automatically add 30 new tracks to Spotify's recommended Monday Monday Monday Monday morning personal favorites so it doesn't get lost. " So, if you want to get an IFTTT account and give it access your Spotify account, that should be an acceptable solution.



I have created a small docker image that can be run every week. It will save your playlist to your playlists under the name "DiscoverWeekly_ [Year] _ [CalendarWeek] eg. 'DiscoverWeekly_2015_43'.

Repo and instructions for running it:



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