Arithmetic operation on zero

LedgerId    AccountId   EntryType   Debit       Credit      
2               2           D       50000.00    NULL        
3               2           D       10000.00    NULL        
4               2           C       NULL        25000.00    
6               2           C       NULL        10000.00    
7               2           D       89000.00    NULL        
8               2           D       89000.00    NULL        
10              3           D       715871.00   NULL        


The following query computes Balance


Select Accounts.ID [AccountID],Name,AccountType [AccountType], SUM(Debit) - SUM(Credit) [Balance] FROM Accounts 
    join Dealers on Accounts.DealerId = Dealers.ID 
    join Ledger on Accounts.ID = Ledger.AccountId
    GROUP BY Accounts.ID, Name, AccountType


and it returns:

AccountID   Name    AccountType     Balance
2           Mateen  P               203000.00
3           Shery   P               NULL


expected output:

AccountID   Name    AccountType     Balance
2           Mateen  P               203000.00
3           Shery   P               715871.00



for account 3 is Null, it returns null

when something needs to be subtracted from null



select 5 - NULL


returns null


Question: Now how can I get Balance

instead null



source to share

4 answers

You can use coalesce


coalesce(sum(Debit), 0) - coalesce(sum(Credit), 0)




try this using isnull (value, 0), it will accept null values ​​as 0

Select Accounts.ID [AccountID],Name,AccountType [AccountType], 
 SUM(isnull( Debit,0)) - SUM(isnull(Credit,0)) isnull([Balance],0) as 
   Balance FROM Accounts 
     join Dealers on Accounts.DealerId = Dealers.ID 
     join Ledger on Accounts.ID = Ledger.AccountId
GROUP BY Accounts.ID, Name, AccountType




The problem with NULL values, the SUM aggregate function ignores NULL values. The Coalesce function will replace it with 0 if NULL values ​​are found.

    Select Accounts.ID [AccountID],
           AccountType [AccountType], 
           SUM(coalesce(Debit,0)) - SUM(coalesce(Credit,0)) [Balance] 
FROM       Accounts 
           join Dealers on Accounts.DealerId = Dealers.ID 
           join Ledger on Accounts.ID = Ledger.AccountId
           GROUP BY Accounts.ID, Name, AccountType 




Coalesce () and IsNULL () function is used to check for Null Value

IsNull (@ variable, 0)
Coalesce (@Variable, 0)



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