How to use pagedlistpager when passing a viewmodel to my action

What am I using for my second parameter in '@ Html.PagedListPager'? If I have an action in my controller that takes a view model like this

    public ActionResult Search(HomePageViewModel viewModel) 
        var pagedList = repository.GetYogaList(viewModel.SearchQuery, viewmodel.Date)
        viewModel.YogaList = pagedList;
        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            return PartialView("_mySpaces", viewModel);

        return View(viewModel);


and a partial page containing a list of html hpml pages paged out by page

here is the partial "_mySpaces.html"

@model HomePageViewModel
<div id="yogaSpaceList">

  <div class="pagedList">
    @Html.PagedListPager(Model.YogaSpaces, page => Url.Action("Search", new { Model }), PagedListRenderOptions.MinimalWithItemCountText)

  @foreach (var space in Model.YogaSpaces) {

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1 answer

Ok, you can pass the viewmodel back to the action, but as before, it must be a GET method, so mark your action with the HttpGet attribute. The MVC framework will broadcast / bind the query string to your view model.

Your controller should look something like this:

public ActionResult Search(ViewModel viewModel) 
    \\ do something useful here and return ActionResult .....


You will need to add a page property to your ViewModel and the method allows your .cshtml code to set the page number and returns the viewmodel as an object. MVC converts the object to a query string for an action reference.

Public class ViewModel {

    // other properties and stuff

    public int? Page { get; set; }
    public object ToPagedListParameters(int page)
         this.Page = page;
         return this;


Then all it takes is a small tweak to your .cshtml file

<div class="pagedList">
      @Html.PagedListPager(viewModel, page => Url.Action("Search",viewModel.ToPagedListParameters(page))

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Note. I only have working with simple viewModels and haven't tried this with viewModels that contain collections or lists.



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