Capturing a number inside a tag in Qt

My tag structure looks like this:



combination of <

, sml

, digits (one or two)

and />

is there a way to capture the number in the tag? For example, for example above I want to capture 8 inside

I have defined a regex and I tried to lock it by the position of the digits, but it doesn't work for me.

QRegExp rxlen("<sml(.*)/>");
int index = rxlen.pos(3);


I assume this is not the correct way and it gives me the position of the digit, although I want the value of the digit (or digits).


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1 answer

You need to use captureTexts () along with <sml(\\d{1,2})/>

regex (it matches <sml

literally, then 1 or 2 digits capturing them into captured group 1, then />


QString str = "<sml8/>";
QRegExp rxlen("<sml(\\d{1,2})/>");
int pos = rxlen.indexIn(str);
QStringList list = rxlen.capturedTexts();
QString my_number = list[1];




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