Convenient to import multiple classes from modules in a Python package

I am currently creating a structure for a syntax tree. I have a folder / package syntax

that contains one syntax tree item which is a class in each file, the structure looks like then:

syntax/ -> contains class List
syntax/ -> contains class Block
syntax/ -> contains class Statement


Now I would like to import the folder into the source file in such a way that the classes can be accessed like

block = syntax.Block()


Is this even possible? Until now I have always ended up with what I need syntax.Block.Block()

, which is not very pleasant ...


source to share

2 answers

Project structure




# syntax/ (this file really ought to be lowercase, leave PascalCase to class names)
class Block(object):


Import to __init__

# syntax/
from .Block import Block   # Relative import with .


Using the package

In [5]: import syntax

In [6]: b = syntax.Block()

In [7]: b
Out[7]: <syntax.Block.Block at 0x108dcb990>


Alternative if you are open to any kind of reorganization

Unlike languages ​​that require us to put one class in a file with the same name (a class Block

within a file

), Python is quite flexible about this.

You can put many classes in

and import only syntax

, then access syntax.Block

(it doesn't require import in


class Block(object):
class List(object):


Then can be used as follows

import syntax
b = syntax.Block()
l = syntax.List()




The most readable way to deal with this is to do the import to a file


# syntax/
from syntax.List import List
from syntax.Block import Block
from syntax.Statement import Statement

# in your main file
from syntax import List
import syntax
b = syntax.Block()


Note. You can also use relative import syntax in your file

(for example from .List import List


When you import, you are defining a variable. This variable contains your imported variable, constant, function, class, or whatever.

If you are doing from .List import List

to your

file, you are defining the variable List

to your file

by referencing the class syntax.List.List


So when you try to write from syntax import List

, you are trying to import a variable List

from your file

that points to syntax.List.List


from syntax import List
from syntax.List import List as OriginList

List is OriginList # True




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