VS2015 RTM Cannot Build Cordova App on iOS with Remote Architecture

I have built an Apache Cordova application using Visual Studio 2015 RC. On Mac I have set up vs-mda-remote

to build an iOS app. Everything worked great until I went to the official release today.


no longer works and from the documentation I understand what they call it now remotebuild

. So I cleaned NPM and installed the tools as per the documentation, but I ran into these errors.

When I try to build my project from Visual Studio I get this error message:

0:error:0B07C065:x509 certificate routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table:openssl\crypto\x509\x509_lu.c:346:

If I copy the source code to Mac and just build it there, it works great.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

First I disable security by running "remotebuild --secure false" on OS X and in Visual Studio under "Tools-> Options-> Apache Cordova Configuration Tools-> Remote Agent" switch "Safe Mode" to "false". I did this to make sure there was no additional error, and then I ran into another problem:

Windows 10; Visual Studio Community 2015:

can't POST // build / tasks? command = build & vcordova

OS X Terminal:

comnmand: remotebuild --secure false

remotebuild Copyright (C) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1.0.0

Warning: no server modules selected. Default "modules": {"taco-remote": {"mountPath": "cordova"}} Save stub initialized baseBuildDir /Users/butti/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds, maxBuildsToKeep 20 Initialized BuildManager baseBuildDir /Users/butti/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds; maxBuildsInQueue 10; deleteBuildsOnShutdown true; allowEmulate true; nextBuildNumber 1751 Remote build server listening on [http] port 3000 AFTER //build/tasks?command=build&vcordova=4.3.1&cfg=debug&loglevel=warn 404 5975.363 ms - 91

I found help on the following website , which helped me in my case:


iOS Simulator does not work when using remotebuild agent and VS 2015 RTM: you need to install version 3.1.1 of the ios-sim node module. Run "npm install -g ios-sim@3.1.1 " from the Terminal application on OSX to install.


The existing vs-mda-remote settings in Visual Studio do not work with the remotebuild agent: you will need to create and use a new PIN when configuring Visual Studio to connect to the remotebuild agent for the first time. If you are not using Safe Mode, enable Safe Mode and then turn it off again to trigger VS re-creation.


In particular, the "... turn on safe mode and then turn off ..." part does the trick!

Perhaps you need to create a new certificate after this on an OS X terminal:

remotebuild resetServerCerts --hostname=my.external.hostname.com
remotebuild generateClientCert --hostname=my.external.hostname.com


From Microsoft website (Install Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova):

... restore certificates that will work with the given name. if you intend to configure a remote agent in Visual Studio with host name, ping the Mac using the hostname to make sure it is available. Otherwise, you may need to use an IP address.

Hope this helps in your case!



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