String problem in Powershell
I am trying to parameterize a powershell script. The only problem is, for some reason, when I call the invoke-restmode method with -uri $ url, it seems to choke. Actually everywhere I try to use it, it suffocates. I believe that maybe I will try to do it wrong. Is there a better or more direct way to parameterize this script.
#Variables that will probably need to change depeneding on environment
$server = "c3po:140"
$applicationName = "/webiznet_dev"
$applicationPath = "webiz_serviceapi"
$protocol = "http:"
#Variables that probably won't need to change
$userName = "PowerShellUser"
$auth = "token "
$rootUrl = '{0}//{1}{2}' -f $protocol, $server, $applicationName
$userId = 0
#Decrypting PWord
#Might need to change $PSScriptRoot to where you have the txt file
$securePassword = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString
$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($securePassword)
$password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
$login = @{"Username"=$userName; "Password"=$password; }
#Login and Get Token
$fullApplicationPath = "{0}//{1}/{2}" -f $protocol, $server, $applicationPath
$url = "{0}/job/login" -f $fullApplicationPath
$jsonHeaders = "{'UserId':$userId,'ApplicationName':$applicationName,'RootUrl':$rootUrl,'ApplicationInsightsGUID':'8773f299-9fed-4431-ab34-888888888888','DisableEmail':'true'}";
$HeaderWrap = @{"Authorization"=$auth};
$token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $login -Headers $HeaderWrap;
#Write out url which works fine
Write-Host $url
#Load values for api calls as the token is now populated so the appInfo can get properly populated
$encryptedString = $token.EncryptedString
$userId = $token.UserId
$auth = "token $encryptedString"
$jsonHeaders = "{'UserId':$userId,'ApplicationName':$applicationName,'RootUrl':$rootUrl,'ApplicationInsightsGUID':'8773f299-9fed-4431-ab34-888888888888','DisableEmail':'true'}";
$HeaderWrap = @{"Authorization"=$auth};
#Scripts to call scheduled notification jobs in
$url = '{0}/Job/RunNotificationReminders' -f $fullApplicationPath
Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method Post -Headers $HeaderWrap
$url = '{0}/Job/RunAddressChanges' -f $fullApplicationPath
Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method Post -Headers $HeaderWrap;
$url = '{0}/Job/RunStorageUnitTemperatureReadingDueAlerts' -f $fullApplicationPath
Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method Post -Headers $HeaderWrap;
$url = '{0}/Job/RunThermometerCalibrationDueAlerts' -f $fullApplicationPath
Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method Post -Headers $HeaderWrap;
One of the received errors
Invoke-RestMethod: Parse error. Expected: *, received w. Path 'ApplicationName', line 1, position 31. (error code: c2d09f7a-f31a-4db1-a448-8214b6ab65ed) In C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ WebIZ_Shane \ CustomerSQLScripts \ Powershell \ 20150522_Scheduled_Jobs_API_Calls. 10 charts1 = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ url -Method Post -Body $ login -Headers $ HeaderW ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation :( System.Net.HttpWebRequest: HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: WebCmdletWebResponseException, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand
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Have you tried wrapping your JSON values ββin single Qoutes as well as keys?
For example - placing single quotes around $ applicationname and $ rooturl when creating $ jsonHeader?
$ jsonHeaders = "{'UserId': $ userId, 'ApplicationName': '$ applicationName', 'RootUrl': '$ rootUrl', 'ApplicationInsightsGUID': '8773f299-9fed-4431-ab34-888888888888', 'DisableEmail': 'true "}";
I say that because your error indicates that the web service is getting "w" instead of another expected value for ApplicationName. Which is looking at the values ββyour source code generates for the JSON header, you can clearly see that / w is the first unquoted character in the string (from / webiznet_dev) and is most likely breaking your web service.
{{'UserId' :, 'ApplicationName': / webiznet_dev , 'RootUrl': http: // c3po: 140 / webiznet_dev , 'ApplicationInsightsGUID': '8773f299-9fed- 4431-ab34-888888888888', 'DisableEmail': 'true '}, token}
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