May contain packages compiled with .net4.5 referenced by dnxcore50

I am compiling an application that targets dnxcore50 only.

I am trying to reference the nuget package which I know works fine when working with dnx451. When I do dnx . run

I get:

System.InvalidOperationException: Could not resolve the following dependencies for target infrastructure 'DNXCore, Version = v5.0':

it also suggests dnu restore

, but the package is there

This doesn't work explicitly for this package, so under what circumstances is it (if any)?
For it to work, did the package manager create a version compiled with dnxcore50?


this diagram makes things a little clearer (copied from here )

enter image description here


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1 answer

Not. dnxcore50

indicates that you are running DNX on top of .NET Core. The only assemblies you can load into .NET Core are those targeting a compatible profile, in this case for example. dnxcore50

, dotnet

or one of the compatible portable profiles.

If you have an assembly built against the full .NET Framework (via net45

, net451

etc.), it will not work if on .NET Core, as the same APIs are not available.



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