How do I inject a class instead of a service in Symfony?

I would like to get the following (without using services.yml - ideally, through some annotation mechanism if the hint type cannot do that):

class MyClass {
    private $msgService;

    public function __construct(MessageServiceInterface $msgService) {
        $this->msgService = $msgService;

    public function sendMessage($text) {


Basically, I would like Symfony to be able to tell MyClass to be aware of dependency injection and to have a MessageServiceInterface injected.

I find it quite time consuming to define a service for every class that I need to use (especially if those classes are to be used only within that module and possibly only once).


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1 answer

You can simplify the definition and use of the service with JMSDiExtraBundle . This bundle provides advanced dependency injection functionality for Symfony2. Especially in Annotation, you can do something like:

Marks the class as a service:


use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Service;

 * @Service("", parent="", public=false)
class Listener


Specifies method parameters for injection:


use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Inject;
use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\InjectParams;
use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Service;

 * @Service
class Listener
     * @InjectParams({
     *     "em" = @Inject("doctrine.entity_manager")
     * })
    public function __construct(EntityManager $em, Session $session)
        // ...


All without any additional config files.

Hope for this help



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