VS2015RTM Cordova tools configuration for ios build remote agent no longer valid - taco-remote package not found

Updated VS2015RC to RTM. Cordova Tools configuration for ios remote build agent is no longer valid. VS2015RTM cannot find the taco-remote package installed on the remote Mac (but VS2015RC could).

This is what it looks like from the command line of the remote agent build (note 404 answer not found):

Remote build server listening on [http] port 3000
ios-sim is installed on path at: /Users/admin/node-v0.12.4-darwin-x64/lib/node_modules/vs-mda-remote/node_modules/ios-sim/build/release/ios-sim

GET /modules/taco-remote 404 12ms


npm taco-remote -version outputs 2.10.1


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1 answer

From Microsoft - Visual Studio 2015 has an updated remote agent called remotebuild. vs-mda-remote, a previous agent, is intended for use with Visual Studio 2015 RC and earlier.

Following the instructions above, I now get GET / modules / taco-remote 200 21.968ms (note 200 ok response) as expected



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