Separate semicolon number for thousands
How do you make seperated numbers with commas for every thousand in gridview (with c # in the back)
I tried the following lines (individually) in the backend (nothing works, they just turned off the decimals)
row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"] = string.Format("{0:#,###0}", Convert.ToDecimal(row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"]));
row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"] = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"]).ToString("#,##0.00");
row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"] = String.Format("{0:n}", Convert.ToDecimal(row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"]));
row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"] = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum"]).ToString("N0");
the string is a reference to a table in the database (I iterate over each returned object and loop through the rows)
I put this when I bind to the gridview. So basically I change these attributes to a comma right before binding, but it doesn't.
The lines I've tried will change this
to that
but i am trying to achieve this
* EDIT *
This is in the template field (because I need it to be a link with an onclick function
<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderText="Applied Amount Variance">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LbPath" runat="server"
Text='<%# Eval("Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum") %>'
CommandArgument='<%#Bind("Applied_Amount_Varience_Sum") %>'>
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2 answers