Is there a good reason to use DI with a module / class without dependencies in a unit test?

Dependency Inclusion can be very useful for testing modules with dependencies. This is not the point.

Let's say there is a concrete implementation,

public class DoesSomething : IDoesSomething 
    public int DoesImportant(int x, int y) 
        // perform some operation 


which implements this,

public interface IDoesSomething
    int DoesImportant(int x, int y); 


In a unit test, you can obviously new

execute the test,

public void DoesSomething_CanDoDoesImportant()
    int expected = 42; 

    IDoesSomething foo = new DoesSomething(); 
    int actual = foo.DoesImportant(21, 2); 

    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); 


or use DI (Autofac here, but doesn't matter for the principle of the question),

public void DoesSomething_CanDoDoesImportant()
    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    var container = builder.Build();

    int expected = 42;
    IDoesSomething foo = container.Resolve<IDoesSomething>();
    int actual = foo.DoesImportant(21, 2);

    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


Given such a standalone module with no dependencies, is there a good reason to put IDoesSomething

in a test? Or, is there a good reason not to enter IDoesSomething



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2 answers

It is not necessary to use a DI container for this test.

This is the reason why you can use a DI container to solve a specific class: all other tests use a similar pattern for building the type through the container, and it just doesn't require dependencies.

Unity Pattern:

public void DoesSomething_behaves_correctly()
     var expected = 42;
     var container = new UnityContainer();
     var foo = container.Resolve<DoesSomething>(); 
     int actual = foo.DoesImportant(21, 21); 

     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); 


The advantage of this approach is that your test requires minimal changes when it DoesSomething

starts to have dependencies.



Your tests should be written specifically for a specific implementation.

Take this for example:

public void DoTestA()
    ObjectFactory.Set<IDoesSomething, DoesSomethingBadly>();

    var doesSomething = ObjectFactory.Get<IDoesSomething>();
    Assert.AreEqual(0, doesSomething.Add(1,1));

public void DoTestB()
    int expected = 42; 

    //This test is now *completely* dependent on DoTestA, and can give different results
    //depending on which test is run first. Further, we don't know
    //which implementation we're testing here. It not immediately clear, even if
    //there only one implementation.
    //As its a test, it should be very explicit in what it testing.

    IDoesSomething foo = ObjectFactory.Get<IDoesSomething>(); 
    int actual = foo.DoesImportant(21, 21); 

    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); 

// Define other methods and classes here
public class DoesSomething : IDoesSomething 
    public int Add(int x, int y) 
        return x+y;

public class DoesSomethingBadly : IDoesSomething
    public int Add(int x, int y)
        return x-y;

public interface IDoesSomething
    int Add(int x, int y); 


In tests, referring to the class directly is definitely the way to go. We don't care what the interface is, we only care about the specific implementation.

var foo = new DoesSomething();

is definitely the best option.

IDoesSomething foo = new DoesSomething();

not harmful, but it seems completely unnecessary since again we care about the implementation, not the interface.



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