SQLite (PCL) in Windows XAML not allowing more than 21 columns?

I used SQLite-PCL in my Windows 8.1 Universal RunTime app.
There's a large table with 23 columns in my project. The problem is that although the creation and data entry code tables are executed without any errors, the full-query query (SELECT * FROM table)

does not specify more than 21 columns.

Here's my create-table method (it works fine):

    private void CreateTable()
                + TABLE_NAME
                + "( "
                + KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " // 0
                + KEY_UPDATED_AT + " TEXT, "        // 1
                + KEY_CREATED_AT + " TEXT, "        // 2

            // ... all other column names are stated here in the similar way

                + KEY_LAST_EDITED_BY + " INTEGER, " // 20
                + KEY_LAST_EDIT_TIME + " TEXT, "    // 21
                + KEY_IS_LD + " INTEGER "        // 22
                + ");";
        using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(DB_NAME))
            using (var statement = connection.Prepare(CREATE_TABLE_SQL))


Here is my SQL query for string input (it works OK too):

string insQuery = 
          + " ( " + KEY_ID + ", " //1
          + KEY_UPDATED_AT + ", "//2
          + KEY_CREATED_AT + " , "//3
          // all other col. names are stated here
          + KEY_LAST_EDITED_BY + ", "//21
          + KEY_LAST_EDIT_TIME + ", "//22
          + KEY_IS_LD + " "//23
          + " ) " 
          + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";


But if I query all rows, or a specific row with all columns, the prepared statement cannot go beyond index 20, so I assume it does not contain more than 21 columns inside it. Here's the code that doesn't work fine and gives a NullReferenceException when accessing the 21st element:

public List<MyModel> GetAll()
    List<MyModel> objList = new List<MyModel>();

    string query = @"SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_NAME
                        + " ORDER BY " + KEY_ID + " DESC;";
    using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(DB_NAME))
        using (var statement = connection.Prepare(query))
            // The next line prints this: "Statement data-count=0, ColumnCount=23"
            ALog.d("Statement data-count=" + statement.DataCount + 
                    ", ColumnCount=" + statement.ColumnCount); 
            while (statement.Step() == SQLiteResult.ROW)
                    int id = Int32.Parse(statement[0].ToString());
                    string updatedAt = statement[1].ToString();
                    string createdAt = statement[2].ToString();
                    // ... all other values are extracted here, then I'm building
                    //  my user object & the next line prints my expected values
                    ALog.d("User: " + user.ToString());

                    // ... the remaining columns are got here nicely
                    string imgUrl = statement[19].ToString();
                    int lastEdt = Int32.Parse(statement[20].ToString());

                    // This line is the culprit giving out NullReferenceException >_<
                    string lastEdtTm = statement[21].ToString();
                    bool isLd = Int32.Parse(statement[22].ToString()) > 0;

                    objList.Add(new MyModel(
                        // Params. of the constructor goes here ...
                catch (Exception e)
                    ALog.d("Db - GetAll() : Exception:: " + e.ToString());

            // This line prints as: "Statement data-count=23, ColumnCount=23"
            // That means - all my data & columns have been queried,
            // but I couldn't read values from statement[21] & statement[22]
                ALog.d("Statement data-count=" + statement.DataCount + 
                        ", ColumnCount=" + statement.ColumnCount);

    return objList;


Please note that I have more than 10 tables in a project with less than 17 columns and they all work fine.


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1 answer

The problem is with lines like this:

string lastEdtTm = statement[21].ToString();


Here, if it statement[21]

returns a value null

, then it is equivalent null.ToString()

, which will throw an exception.

Simple fix:

string lastEdtTm = statement[21] == null ? "" : statement[21].ToString();


This will return an empty string if statement[21]

allowed null

, otherwise it`s a string value.

Note that you must do this for all columns that could potentially return null - just because you are not getting this exception from elsewhere right now does not mean that you cannot get it later when new rows are added. that other values ​​may be missing.



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