How to bind IASTComment to IASTDeclaration in CDT ASTParser

I am using CDT ASTParser to parse some content of a C / C ++ source file. Example:

//Docs for function min
int min(int a[], int n) {
    //Comment here

int min1(){}

Docs for function min2
int min2(){}


Using ASTVisitor, I can parse the function definition list in code, but I don't know how to "link" the IASTComment above the definition code:

void handle(IASTTranslationUnit unit){
        unit.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
            { shouldVisitDeclarations = true; }

            public int visit(IASTDeclaration declaration) {

                if (declaration instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) {
                    IASTFunctionDefinition fnDefine = 
                            (IASTFunctionDefinition) declaration;
                    IASTFunctionDeclarator fnDeclare = fnDefine.getDeclarator();

                    System.out.printf("Function: %s, type: %s, comment: %s\n",
                            "Somehow get the comment above function define???"
                return PROCESS_SKIP;

            public int visit(IASTComment comment) {
                System.out.println("Comment: " + comment.getRawSignature());
                return PROCESS_CONTINUE;


        for (IASTComment cmt: unit.getComments())
            System.out.println("Comment: " + cmt.getRawSignature());


The class visit(IASTComment comment)

in the ASTVisitor class has been deprecated and the method IASTTranslationUnit.getComments()

just returns a list of comments in the complete source file, there is no structure here.
So how do you get the IASTComment object that refers to the function definition (if any)?


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1 answer

You can use ASTCommenter.getCommentedNodeMap(IASTTranslationUnit)

in a package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.rewrite.commenthandler

. The method returns a NodeCommentMap

, which displays the comments for the nodes in the AST. There are three types of comments that can be assigned to a node. In the example below, the declartion method is node:

//this is a leading comment
void method() //this is a trailing comment
//this is a freestanding comment



returns the offset of a node including its assigned leading comments. NodeCommentMap.getEndOffsetIncludingComments(IASTNode)

returns the offset of the end of the node, including the assigned trailing comments. The assigned independent comments must be handled by itself. You can get free comments using NodeCommentMap.getFreestandingCommentsForNode(IASTNode)

. At least I couldn't find the default approach in the cdt packages.

If you want to know more, it is advisable to read the documentation in the following classes:

  • org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.rewrite.commenthandler.ASTCommenter

  • org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests.rewrite.comenthandler.CommentHandlingTest

  • org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.rewrite.commenthandler.NodeCommenter

Note. Most of these packages / classes are internal.



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