Why doesn't this command work: cd `echo -n" ~ "`

Running command

cd \`echo -n "~"\`


I am getting the following error:

bash: cd: ~: No such file or directory


What's the problem if it 'cd ~'

works fine?


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3 answers

The problem is that bash doesn't do any additional expansion after command substitution. So while it cd ~

expands as you want it cd $(echo '~')

doesn't work.

There is a keyword eval

created for this kind of situation - it forces you to expand (evaluate) the command line again. If you use eval

on this line, it forces it to ~

be expanded to the user's directory, even if the normal time for expansion has already passed. (As it ~

doesn't exist until the echo command is run, at which point it's too late for expansion.)

eval cd `echo -n "~"`




If you do cd ~

, the shell expands ~

to your home directory before executing the command. But if you use double quotes ( "~"

), then it is taken as a literal string and not expanded.

You can see the difference:

$ echo ~
$ echo "~"


In order to have ~

it expanded by the shell, you need to remove the double quotes.

The lurking behavior of double quotes is documented in the Bash manual: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Double-Quotes.html



You also get the same problem if you just do cd "~"


$ cd "~"
bash: cd: ~: No such file or directory



doesn't understand what ~

is special. He tries and fails to find a directory that is literally named ~


The reason it works cd ~

is because it is bash

editing the command before running it. bash

replaces cd ~

with cd $HOME

and then expands $HOME

to get cd /home/YourUsername



cd `echo -n "~"`



cd "~"




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