GAS operand type mismatch for `cmovz '

I am trying to write a simple build program. For some reason, conditional moves seem to give me this error. If I replace them with the normal mov command it works. What's wrong with the following code?

    .section .data

    .asciz "AVX is supported"
    .asciz "AVX is not supported"

    .section .text
    .global main
    movq $1, %rax
    andq $0x10000000, %rcx
    cmovnz $supported, %rdi
    cmovz $notsupported, %rdi
    callq puts

    movq $0, %rax
cpuid.S:15: Error: operand type mismatch for `cmovnz'
cpuid.S:16: Error: operand type mismatch for `cmovz'



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1 answer

If you look at the description CMOVcc

in the Intel manual, you can see that the original operand must be r/m64

(i.e. a 64-bit register or memory location). $supported

and $notsupported

are immediate and therefore do not qualify as r/m64


You can do something like this:

movabs $notsupported,%rdi
movabs $supported,%rbx
testq $0x10000000, %rcx   # checks the desired bit without clobbering %rcx
cmovnz %rbx,%rdi




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