Spring Security domain ACL error: type xxx is already defined

I am using Eclipse, Grails 2.4.5 and Spring Security ACL plugin . I have created domain classes that manage ACL data using the command:



After these domains are created, Eclipse reports that the classes are already defined.

enter image description here

The error log shows:

enter image description here

In mine BuildConfig.groovy

I have:

compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC5"
runtime ':spring-security-acl:2.0-RC2'


Is there a way to fix this that Eclipse is not showing errors? Apart from this error, the code works fine.

Edit: Here are the classes that are generated grails s2-create-acl-domains

. I haven't changed anything except in the AclObjectIdentity

objectId type from Long to String.

Here are the classes that were generated:



package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl

class AclClass {

    String className

    String toString() {
        "AclClass id $id, className $className"

    static mapping = {
        className column: 'class'
        version false

    static constraints = {
        className unique: true, blank: false




package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl

class AclObjectIdentity extends AbstractAclObjectIdentity {

    String objectId

    String toString() {
        "AclObjectIdentity id $id, aclClass $aclClass.className, " +
        "objectId $objectId, entriesInheriting $entriesInheriting"

    static mapping = {
        version false
        aclClass column: 'object_id_class'
        owner column: 'owner_sid'
        parent column: 'parent_object'
        objectId column: 'object_id_identity'

    static constraints = {
        objectId unique: 'aclClass'




package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl

class AclSid {

    String sid
    boolean principal

    String toString() {
        "AclSid id $id, sid $sid, principal $principal"

    static mapping = {
        version false

    static constraints = {
        principal unique: 'sid'
        sid blank: false, size: 1..255




package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl

class AclEntry {

    AclObjectIdentity aclObjectIdentity
    int aceOrder
    AclSid sid
    int mask
    boolean granting
    boolean auditSuccess
    boolean auditFailure

    String toString() {
        "AclEntry id $id, aceOrder $aceOrder, mask $mask, granting $granting, " +
        "aclObjectIdentity $aclObjectIdentity"

    static mapping = {
        version false
        sid column: 'sid'
        aclObjectIdentity column: 'acl_object_identity'

    static constraints = {
        aceOrder unique: 'aclObjectIdentity'


Edit: I still don't have a SOLUTION for this problem !!!


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4 answers

Groovy has two ways to handle the .groovy file:

  • as a script . In this case, you cannot have a class with the same name as the file. You can recognize a script file if there is any code in the file outside of the class statement (other than import), it is script
  • as a class definition file : of course, just like in Java, you will have a class definition as the same name as your file.

What happens in the case of a script is that if there is any code in the file, then Groovy needs a class that contains that code. Groovy will implicitly create a class containing the filename.

So, if you have a file called AclEntry.groovy that has code that is not inside the class definition, Groovy will create an implicit class called AclEntry. This means that the script file AclEntry.groovy cannot contain a class called AclEntry, because it would be a duplicate class definition, thus an error.

If, on the other hand, everything you do in the AclEntry.groovy file defines the AclEntry class (and any number of other classes), then Groovy will treat that file as just a collection of class definitions, it won't contain an implicit containing class, and no problems with the AclEntry class inside the AclEntry.groovy class definition file.

you can check if it is valid in your Groovy files.



Eclipse may have old files in its cache.

You can try this:

grails clean. 


Then reinstall the classes.



I am working so that you have installed the Grails Spring Security Core plugin and configured it correctly.

First, a little background. Java cannot have classes referenced by names of the same name. Eclipse through the groovy plugin complains that named classes are AclClass, AclEntry, AclObjectIndentity, AclSid

already defined. The frustration comes when you don't define these classes! One thing to remember with groovy, groovy implicitly defines classes based on script names. (See this quick post from Steve Claridge for more information.)

Since you mention that the code is working, I expect that as this user on the groovy mailing list, Eclipse clings to the link class no longer exists. The solution that worked with it was:

Moving the class into a separate groovy class file made the error move with the class; eclipse has now complained that the class in groovy classfile is already defined.

However, I solved the problem as follows:

  • Remove the class from the class file and save this file.

  • Save the script file (without class), then open it to copy the class definition again and save the file again.

- Eric Tiffany

Seems to reset the saved references that Eclipse has in memory.


Here's another tutorial on using Spring security with grails. The script will create some samples for you to start filling out the application with. Try following these directions and see if the error occurs.



You may need to refresh the dependencies using the grails refresh-dependencies command .



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