Change and average settlement

I have climatic data that have been collected over a full year in elevation gradient. It is formed as follows:

clim <- read.table(text="alti    year    month    week    day    meanTemp    maxTemp    minTemp
350     2011    aug.     31      213    10          14         6
350     2011    aug.     31      214    12          18         6
350     2011    aug.     31      215    10          11         9
550     2011    aug.     31      213    8           10         6
550     2011    aug.     31      214    10          12         8
550     2011    aug.     31      215    8           9          7
350     2011    sep.     31      244    9           10         8
350     2011    sep.     31      245    11          12         10
350     2011    sep.     31      246    10          11         9
550     2011    sep.     31      244    7.5         9          6
550     2011    sep.     31      245    8           10         6
550     2011    sep.     31      246    8.5         9          8", header=TRUE)


and I am trying to change this data to only have one row per height and calculate the average data for each month and all year. I would be great if it were like this:

alti    mean_year(meanTemp)   mean_year(maxTemp)   mean_aug.(meanTemp)   mean_aug.(maxTemp)   mean_sep.(meanTemp)   [...]
350     10.333                12.667               10.667                14.3                 10                     ...
550     8.333                 9.833                8.667                 10.333               7.766                  ...


Any idea to perform this rebuild and calculation?


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3 answers

Here's another variation on the solution data.table

, but it requires the current one devel version, v1.9.5


require(data.table) # v1.9.5+
form = paste("alti", c("year", "month"), sep=" ~ ")
val  = c("meanTemp", "maxTemp")
ans  = lapply(form, function(x) dcast(clim, x, mean, value.var = val))
Reduce(function(x, y) x[y, on="alti"], ans)

#    alti meanTemp_mean_2011 maxTemp_mean_2011 meanTemp_mean_aug. meanTemp_mean_sep. maxTemp_mean_aug. maxTemp_mean_sep.
# 1:  350          10.333333         12.666667          10.666667                 10          14.33333         11.000000
# 2:  550           8.333333          9.833333           8.666667                  8          10.33333          9.333333




You can use data.table and dcast:




clim[, list("mean_temp_mean_year" = mean(meanTemp), "max_temp_mean_year" = mean(maxTemp)), by = alti]
dcast(clim[, list("mean_temp_mean" = mean(meanTemp), "max_temp_mean" = mean(maxTemp)), by = c("alti","month")], alti ~ month, value.var = c("mean_temp_mean","max_temp_mean"))
by = "alti")


I switched the names of some variables and the col order is not perfect, but after that can be changed or renamed



To get funds for months or years, you can use aggregate

then reshape


The two aggregates can be calculated separately and then merge

merged together:

mon <- aggregate(cbind(meanTemp, maxTemp) ~ month + alti, data=clim, FUN=mean)
mon.wide <- reshape(mon, direction='wide', timevar='month', idvar='alti')

yr <- aggregate(cbind(meanTemp, maxTemp) ~ year + alti, data=clim, FUN=mean)
yr.wide <- reshape(yr, direction='wide', timevar='year', idvar='alti')


Each of these sets .wide

has the data you need. The only common column is alti

, so we take merge

the default:

 merge(mon.wide, yr.wide)
##   alti meanTemp.aug. maxTemp.aug. meanTemp.sep. maxTemp.sep. meanTemp.2011 maxTemp.2011
## 1  350     10.666667     14.33333            10    11.000000     10.333333    12.666667
## 2  550      8.666667     10.33333             8     9.333333      8.333333     9.833333




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