Ignore page tracking options with angular

I am using Ui-router and in multi-segment states. I have a parameter as a Guid like in the example below (": numeroSolicitacao"):

     .state('solicitacoes/aprovacoes', {
        url: '/solicitacoes/aprovacoes/:numeroSolicitacao',
        views: {
           'conteudo-view@': angularAMD.route({
              templateUrl: 'js/app/visoes/solicitacoes/aprovacoes/aprovacoes.html',
              controller: 'ctrlAprovacoes',
              controllerUrl: 'controles/solicitacoes/aprovacoes/ctrlAprovacoes'


Is there a way to make globally remove all parameters ": numeroSolicitacao" from a track event using angulartics? Otherwise, each click of this state will be a different page for Google Analytics.

Note. I add "$ analytics.pageTrack ('/ solicitacoes / aprovacoes'); in all controllers already, but as I said, I need a global implementation.


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