Winston does not log events in productions version of Node.js app hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine

I am using winston to log some events in my application. When I run my code from node app.js

locally, winston logs events just fine. But when I push my code to the server ( gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml

), or even run it in the production environment locally ( gcloud preview app run app.yaml

), it doesn't log any event. Locally winston creates general.log

and request.log

and edits them as needed, but in production mode it doesn't work.

Here is my logging.js code

"use strict";

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var winston = require('winston');
var expressWinston = require('express-winston');

module.exports = function(logPath) {

  // Create logging directory if necessary.
  if (!fs.existsSync(logPath)) {

    Logger to capture all requests and output them to the console
    as well as request.log.
  // [START requests]
  var requestLogger = expressWinston.logger({
    transports: [
      new winston.transports.Console({
        json: false
      new winston.transports.File({
        filename: path.join(logPath, 'request.log'),
    expressFormat: true
  // [END requests]

    Logger to capture any top-level errors from requests and
    output them in error.log
  // [START errors]
  var errorLogger = expressWinston.errorLogger({
    transports: [
      new winston.transports.Console({
        json: false
      new winston.transports.File({
        filename: path.join(logPath, 'error.log'),
  // [END errors]

    General logger used for .log, .info, etc. Outputs all logs
    to the console as well as general.log.
  // [START general]
  winston.add(winston.transports.File, {
    filename: path.join(logPath, 'general.log')
  // [END general]

  return {
    requestLogger: requestLogger,
    errorLogger: errorLogger,
    error: winston.error,
    warn: winston.warn,
    log: winston.log,
    verbose: winston.verbose,
    debug: winston.debug,
    silly: winston.silly



Here is an example (unimportant) event that I log for testing purposes in app.js

var logging = require('./lib/logging')(process.env.LOG_PATH || './');
app.use(logging.errorLogger);"Sample test log");


Why doesn't this code work in production mode?

PS I followed the below steps to set up this code


source to share

2 answers

Your NodeJS is actually running in a Docker container on a managed VM from the Google Compute Engine.

You have SSH to your managed VM and connect to the container.

sudo docker ps


sudo docker ps

This should output 4 containers: gunicorn and nginx for the proxy, Fluentd is the connector for App Engine login and finally npm start your Node app

sudo docker exec -it <ID of the container running npm start> bash


This gives you a hint in the container, you can see the log files there.

Please note that if you want to see your logs in the App Engine web console (you must put these files in the / var / log / app_engine / custom_logs / *. Log '

App Engin Web Console



It's actually not that easy to create and view logs in the google cloud while I'm writing this. I want to offer you an alternative to sign up using the Google cloud. you can try using winston with papertrail.

You can use modules winston-express

and winston-papertrail

node to register your requests. Papertrail provides a nicely colorful interface to quickly analyze your logs.

Have a look at / ... for information on how you can customize.



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