Play Framework: registration time

I'm using the Play Framework, but like many other things, I haven't come across defining logging patterns that add a timestamp to the log. For services that handle many Akka requests / messages per minute, this makes the log almost useless. For example, we use Playlogger a little like this:

Logger.error("could not fulfil request", someException)


This is how the documentation goes. The documentation states that you can define your own logging headers, for example:

val exceptionLogger = Logger("exception")
// and then
exceptionLogger.error("while handling some/request", someException)


The log entries resulting from the above do not contain any type of time stamp;

[error] exception - while handling some/request ...


There is no mention of time. Now the workaround (not the prettiest one) is something like:

def exceptionLogger = {
    val dt = new DateTime
    Logger(s"$dt exception")


What kind of work does it do, but I'm not sure. Is there a better way to format the default write behavior for the default?


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1 answer

Play uses Logback, you can customize the log format in conf/logback.xml


Logs in log/application.log

will have a default date stamp, STDOUT will not. Add %date

to the template in the STDOUT application.

  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
      <pattern>%date %coloredLevel %logger{15} - %message%n%xException{10}</pattern>




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