Scala data structure and complexity O (1)

I had an interview today about Scala and the request was:

Implement a fixed size N data structure with these features:

  • get (index)
  • set (index, value)
  • SETALL (value)

The complexity should be O (1)

   val ds = DS(100)
   ds.get(4) //would return  5
   ds.get(4) //would return  10
   ds.get(7) //would return  10
   ds.get(1) //would return  7


Please find the code I posted below. My question would be Is this the right solution and if there is a better way to do it?

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap

trait Operations {

  def get(index: Int): Int
  def set(index: Int, value: Int)
  def setall(value: Int)

class DS(N: Int) extends Operations {

  var myMutableHashMap = new HashMap[Int, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)

  def get(index: Int) = myMutableHashMap(index)

  def set(index: Int, value: Int) = {
    if (index <= N) myMutableHashMap += (index -> value)

  def setall(value: Int) = {

    myMutableHashMap = new HashMap[Int, Int]().withDefaultValue(value)


object Task {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val ds = new DS(100)

    ds.set(4, 5)

    println(ds.get(4)) // -> 5

    println(ds.get(4)) //-> 10
    println(ds.get(7)) //-> 10
    ds.set(1, 7)
    println(ds.get(1)) //-> 7





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1 answer

I'm not sure if this is better, but I think the HashMap might be a little overkill. The following solution can be smaller and less code. While I would most likely prefer to implement something more general, it should meet the requirements you mentioned.

trait Operations {
  def get(index: Int): Int
  def set(index: Int, value: Int): Unit
  def setall(fill: Int): Unit

class DS(size: Int) extends Operations {
  val underlying: Array[Int] = new Array(size)

  def get(index: Int): Int = underlying(index)

  def set(index: Int, value: Int): Unit = underlying(index) = value

  def setall(fill: Int): Unit = (0 until size).foreach(underlying(_) = fill)


An alternative that just might give us better "hard" difficulty, but at a cost ...

trait Operations {
  def get(index: Int): Int
  def set(index: Int, value: Int): Unit
  def setall(fill: Int): Unit

class DS(size: Int) extends Operations {
  var underlying: Array[Integer] = new Array(size)
  var default: Integer = new Integer(0)

  def get(index: Int): Int = {
    val result = underlying(index)
    if (result == null) default else result

  def set(index: Int, value: Int): Unit = underlying(index) = value

  def setall(fill: Int): Unit = {
    default = fill
    underlying = new Array(size)




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