How to build ZonedDateTime from Instant and time string?

Given an object Instant

, a time string

, representing a time at a particular time ZoneId

, how to build an object ZonedDateTime

with a date part (year, month, day) from a moment at a given ZoneId

time and a time part from a given one time string


For example:

For an Instant object of value 1437404400000 (equivalent to 07/20/2015 15:00 UTC ), a time string of 21:00 and an object ZoneId

representing Europe / London , I want to build an object ZonedDateTime

equivalent to 07/20/2015 21:00 Europe / London .


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2 answers

First you need to parse the time string first LocalTime

, then you can adjust ZonedDateTime

from Instant

using the zone and then apply the time. For example:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm", Locale.US");
LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse(timeText, formatter);
ZonedDateTime zoned = instant.atZone(zoneId)




Create a moment and define the date in UTC of that moment:

Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(1437404400000L);
LocalDate date = instant.atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC).toLocalDate();

// or if you want the date in the time zone at that instant:

ZoneId tz = ZoneId.of("Europe/London");
LocalDate date = instant.atZone(tz).toLocalDate();


Parse the time:

LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse("21:00");


Create ZoneDateTime from LocalDate and LocalTime at the desired ZoneId:

ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, tz);


As John pointed out, you need to decide which date you want as the date in UTC may be different from the date in the given timezone at that moment.



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