RabbitMQ basic.get and confirmation

I am calling:

GetResponse response = channel.basicGet("some.queue", false); // no auto-ack
channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, ...);


However, when I call basicGet

, the messages in the queue remain in Ready and not Unacknowledged. I want them to be unacknowledged so that I can either basic.ack

them (discarding them from the queue) or basic.nack



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2 answers

When executed ack

right after, get

it works great. However, in my case, they were separated by a query. The spring pattern closes the pipe and connection on every execution. Thus, there are three options:

  • keep one channel and connection open throughout the life of the application.
  • have some kind of conversation area (or worst case: use session) to keep the same channel and reuse it.
  • use one channel for inquiry, acknowledge receipt immediately and store messages in memory.

In the previous two cases, you cannot do it with spring RabbitTemplate



I do the following to mimic Delay ack :

Consumption time

  • Get (destroy) a message from the initial queue.
  • Create a queue PendingAck_123456.
    123456 is a unique message identifier.
    Set the following properties:
    • x-message-ttl (after a Timeout request)
    • x-expires (to make sure the temporary queue is removed)
    • x-dead-letter-exchange and x-deal-letter-routing-key to request the start queue when TTL expires .
  • Post message Pending response to this queue "PendingAck_123456"
  • Enter a message to remove it from the initial queue

At the moment of confirmation

  • Calculate queue name from message id and get "PendingAck_123456" from queue
  • Confirm it (no need to call .getBody()

    This will remove it from this pending queue, preventing the TTL from requesting it


  • A queue for only 1 message .. Is it a problem if there are many such queues?
  • The requested message will be sent from the input side of the queue .. not the output to the queue (as in a real situation) .. Impact on the order of messages.
  • The message is copied by the application to the waiting queue. This is an additional step that can affect overall performance.
  • To emulate Nack / Reject, you can copy the message to the Start queue and Ack from the PendingAck queue. The default TTL will do this (later).


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