How to add .jar files to Android Studio

I have switched from Eclipse to Android Studio for Android programming. I am having trouble importing my .jar files into Android Studio . I am unable to import files from my jsoup package.

Error:(6, 17) error: package org.jsoup does not exist
Error:(7, 23) error: package org.jsoup.nodes does not exist



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2 answers

Add the following to your gradle build file under dependencies:

compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')


the above assumes the library is inside libs

your project folder .

Alternatively, you can also add a dependency like this by giving gradle one jar file:

compile files('libs/yourlibrary.jar')


After adding these lines, you should sync your project again and android studio should let you import these classes from your library.

Refresh . In fact, the jsoup library is available in the mavenCentral repository. So a good way to enable this dependency is:

 compile 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.8.2'


or just do this to always use the latest version:

 compile 'org.jsoup:jsoup:+'


Note: you need to add mavenCentral repository to your build class if you do it like this:

 repositories {




compile 'org.jsoup: jsoup: +'

// worked for me.



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