All possible endings of a text word (biomedical) phrase

I am familiar with verbal completion and completion from the tm package in R.

I am trying to find a quick and dirty method to find all variants of a given word (inside some corpus). For example, I would like to get "leukocytes" and "leuckocytic" if my input is "leukocytes".

If I had to do this right now, I would probably just go with something like:

dictionary <- unique(unlist(lapply(crude, words)))
grep(pattern = LovinsStemmer("company"), = T, x = dictionary, value = T)


I used Lovins because the Snowball Porter doesn't seem to be aggressive enough.

I am open to suggestions for other developers, scripting (Python?), Or completely different approaches.


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1 answer

This solution requires pre-processing your enclosure. But once that's done, it's a very fast dictionary lookup.

from collections import defaultdict
from stemming.porter2 import stem

with open('/usr/share/dict/words') as f:
    words =

stems = defaultdict(list)

for word in words:
    word_stem = stem(word)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    word = 'leukocyte'
    word_stem = stem(word)


For /usr/share/dict/words

corpus this gives the result

['leukocyte', "leukocyte's", 'leukocytes']


It uses a module stemming

that can be installed with

pip install stemming




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