Dropzone.js and form validation

Is it possible not to break the good Rails form validation errors displayed after marking the entire form of the "dropzone" class?

Now, when I try to submit the form, nothing changes and the page stays on it, providing no information to the user whose fields are inappropriate. The controller renders a JSON response (dropzone using consequences) that doesn't seem to be handled by the view.

Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.


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2 answers

My workaround for this problem:

Dropzone.options.filedrop = {
    init: function () {
        // Other triggers not listed
        // ...

        this.on("error", function (file, response) {
            // Gets triggered when the files have successfully been sent.
            // Redirect user or notify of success.

            // Build an unordered list from the list of errors
            var _ref, _results, _i, _len;
            if ($.isPlainObject(response)) { // Check if response is in JSON format for showing standard form errors
                // Remove errors from accepted image
                _ref = file.previewElement.querySelectorAll("[data-dz-errormessage]");
                _results = [];
                for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                    node = _ref[_i];
                    _results.push(node.textContent = null);

                file['status'] = 'success';
                console.log("acceptedImage: " + JSON.stringify(file));

                var json = response;
                var errorText = "<div id=\"error_explanation\"><h2>" + Object.keys(json).length + " errors prohibited this thing from being saved:</h2><ul>";
                $.each(json, function (key, value) {
                    errorText += "<li>" + key.capitalize() + ' ' + value[0] + "</li> ";
                errorText += "</ul></div>";
                console.log("errorText: " + errorText);

                // Insert error list into form
            } else {
                if (myDropzone.files.length > 1) {




You need to parse the JSON response into your js callback yourself, something like this:

   Dropzone.options.filedrop = {
      init: function () {
        this.on("complete", function (file, jsonResponse) {
          //do stuff with the jsonResponse here




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