How to get app link in appstore before submitting

I am developing an app on IOS devices, however I want to know how to get a link to the app before publishing it, so I can integrate an action sheet so that the user can select the weather in which he wants to review the app store.

I connected to iTunes Connect and when I clicked to view the app in the app store, however, I get an error that says the app is in a store in the US and I'm developing in a store in Oman!


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2 answers

You just need your appBundleID to navigate the user in the appstore. You can refer the link In this you just need to write the following code in AppDelegate

#import "iRate.h"
+ (void)initialize
    [iRate sharedInstance].applicationBundleID = @"com.xxxx.projectName";//Your application bundle identifire
    [iRate sharedInstance].usesUntilPrompt=3;
    [iRate sharedInstance].daysUntilPrompt=0;


You didn't need to add alerts. This structure will display a popup. I think this is what you want. Hope this is helpful to you ...



You can get your App ID from iTunes connect. Its uniqueness for every application.

Note. During the development phase, you will receive an error, but as soon as the application becomes live, that error will not appear.

If you want to try to get the app id of any existing app and add it to the above url.

You can get the application id of any application by simply specifying the name of this application



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