HTTP / 2 support for iOS 8

I tried Xcode 7 Beta + NSURLSession which already supports HTTP / 2 and it works just amazing.

Now I'm wondering when I release an app built with the iOS 9 SDK but with iOS 8 support - will iOS 8 users be able to use HTTP2? Or will it only work for iOS 9?


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2 answers

I asked the same question on the Apple Developers Forum and they gave a crystal clear answer:

HTTP / 2 support is part of iOS 9 and therefore will not be available on earlier OS versions.

But I'm worried about the behavior of iOS 8. I'm still confused about your actual question. I suspect you are talking about this case:

  • you create an application using NSURLSession.
  • you are deploying a server that supports HTTP / 2
  • on iOS 9, this will talk to your server over HTTP / 2
  • on iOS 8, this will talk to your server over HTTP / 1.1 or SPDY
  • on iOS 7, this will talk to your server over HTTP / 1.1

It really depends on your server. Ignoring iOS 8 and SPDY for now, consider the case of iOS 7. Here, iOS is just going to open a connection and send an HTTP command. What is the server in this case? It should handle it correctly, but iOS can't guarantee it.

OTOH, if I read your original question literally, you seem to be asking about this case:

  • you create an application using NSURLSession.
  • you are deploying a server that supports HTTP / 2
  • on iOS 9, this will talk to your server over HTTP / 2
  • on iOS 8, will it send HTTP / 2 requests?

The answer is no: HTTP / 2 support is part of iOS 9 and therefore won't be available on earlier versions of the OS. OTOH, iOS 8 does have SPDY support. See WWDC 2014 Session 707 What's New in Foundation Network for details.



HTTP/2 supported by iOS 9 + NSURLSession.


NSURLConnection is deprecated.



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