Custom ExtendedListview Android

Is there a way in android to create an expandable view like in the image? I tried to use Expandable ListView but that doesn't match the value. Please provide, can it be android? thanks in advance


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5 answers

My answer is: Don't use an extensible list adapter.

Your collection doesn't appear to have subcategories (at least less than the scrollable amount). Your strings are just hiding / showing the details of your data, extending the collapse.

use a custom ListAdapter and make each element expandable and show details on button click with animation (you can find height animation by search term).

Hope this helps you.



This can be done using a custom ExpandableListAdapter. You can take a look at the following persons How to write your own ExpandableListAdapter



I think this is more like a RecyclerView. At least I would use it in this case. The main reason is ViewHolder

. You can of course provide your own implementation of the view pattern, but RecyclerView

forces you to use ViewHolder

and provides stubs.

As far as I understand, you don't need to handle the click on the entire element, but you do need to handle the click on the plus / minus button. So when you implement ViewHolder

, just add a click listener for that view and show / hide content like:

class ChartViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    private TextView storeTitle;
    private ToggleButton toggleBtn;
    // other views

    public ViewHolder(View itemView) {
        storeTitle = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;
        toggleBtn = (ToggleButton) itemView.findViewById(;
        // other views

        toggleBtn.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() {
            public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton toggleButton, boolean isChecked) {
                if(isChecked) {
                    // make content visible
                } else {
                    // make conent invisible


If you need animation to expand / collapse you should look into property animation



Perhaps you need to create a custom ExpandableListAdapter

one that extends BaseExpandableListAdapter

. There are many tutorials. Check out part 15 of this for example.



for an expandable list i have to use below library and it works like a charm to me.



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