Code signing of an application built with Fastlane and CocoaPods built as dynamic frameworks
I have a pretty normal fastlane and CocoaPods setup, but I have problems with code signing as fastlane tries to use an app provisioning profile to sign each CocoaPod. Error with this error:
[03:21:05]: [SHELL COMMAND]: set -o pipefail && krausefx-ipa build -w "MyApp.xcworkspace" -c "Release" -s "MyApp" --xcargs "PROVISIONING_PROFILE=g7ba10c8-cddd-490e-8eab-7ef35a511565 PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.example.MyApp" --no-clean --archive -d "/Users/app/Deployment" --ipa "MyApp.ipa" -m "/Users/app/Deployment/MyApp-distribution.mobileprovision" --verbose | xcpretty
[03:21:07]: [SHELL]: โธ Building Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Release]
[03:21:07]: [SHELL]:
[03:21:07]: [SHELL]: โฆ Code Sign error: Provisioning profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings ("com.example.MyApp Distribution") has an AppID of "com.example.MyApp" which does not match your bundle identifier "org.cocoapods.CocoaLumberjack".
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]: ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]:
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]:
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]: The following build commands failed:
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]: Check dependencies
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]: Check dependencies
[03:21:08]: [SHELL]: (2 failures)
Is there a way to tell ipa / shenzhen not to sign CocoaPods?
CocoaPods are built as dynamic structures. This is a subfile:
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'CocoaLumberjack', '2.0.0'
pod 'HexColors', '~> 2.3'
This is Fastfile:
require 'fileutils'
require 'shellwords'
fastlane_version "1.12.0"
default_platform :ios
output_directory = File.expand_path('../Deployment')
platform :ios do
before_all do
lane :production do
output_path: output_directory,
filename: "MyApp-distribution.mobileprovision",
xcodebuild_args = {
PROVISIONING_PROFILE: Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::SIGH_UDID],
xcodebuild_args = do |k,v|
end.join ' '
workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace",
configuration: "Release",
scheme: "MyApp",
xcargs: xcodebuild_args,
clean: false,
archive: true,
destination: output_directory,
ipa: "MyApp.ipa",
source to share
Using custom variable env instead PROVISIONING_PROFILE
fixed the problem. This technique is documented in the fastlane docs on code signing .
These are the steps that work with Xcode 6:
Add custom variable to Xcode project
In the Xcode pbxproj file, set the PROVISIONING_PROFILE value to another variable, eg $(APP_PROVISIONING_PROFILE)
. You can choose any unique custom variable you want. The Code Signing section of the project should look like this:
Define a custom variable in Fastfile
In your Fastfile, define a custom variable and pass it to action ipa
with other xcargs. In the question code example, it looks like this:
xcodebuild_args = {
# Define the custom variable instead of PROVISIONING_PROFILE
APP_PROVISIONING_PROFILE: Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::SIGH_UDID],
And all this to fix this particular error.
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