Avoid type safety warning after deserializing recursive map <String, Object> with Jackson

I am getting recursive logic from REST API which I import in Java as Map<String,Object>

using Jackson with the following code

  private static final ObjectMapper OBJECTMAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
    private static  final MapType GENERICMAPTYPE = OBJECTMAPPER.getTypeFactory().constructMapType(
            Map.class, String.class, Object.class);

  Map<String, Object> response =  OBJECTMAPPER.readValue(result.getBody(),GENERICMAPTYPE);


Then I try to do this in a tree for some attributes, with code like

   if (response.get("infos") instanceof Map<?,?>)
            Map<String, Object> infos = (Map<String, Object>) response.get("infos");


I am getting a type safety warning when migrating to a card. Quite understandable. Is there any better way than adding @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

here to tell the compiler that everything will work fine?


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2 answers

as per fge's comment, the Jackson JsonNode type is the correct way to go.

JsonNode responseAsTree = OBJECTMAPPER.readTree(responseAsString);


JsonNode has all the methods you need to traverse the tree easily. See a quicker XML guide



In your case, response

is Map<String, Object>

. You are calling response.get("infos")

. From the generators provided, this returns Object

which needs to be mapped to a Map and so you get a warning.

What you can do is not use Map<String, Object>

but define classes that represent the structure of your JSON response.

Something like

public class Response {

    private Infos infos;


public class Infos {

     private int foo;
     private String bar;


You can then use Jackson to parse the response in that class structure and access all properties using getters / setters, ensuring that your code is type safe.



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