Run command in linux command line

I need to run google chrome on linux with the following command line parameter:

google-chrome --touch-devices=14


to correctly identify the touchscreen. Of course, the number of the touch device changes in the new session.

I can find out what number (here 14) I need to enter into the command by running the following:

xinput -list | grep -o "Touchscreen.*id=[0-9]*" | grep -o  [0-9]*


Naturally, it would be nice to embed them in one command, but I don't know how to run the command on the command line.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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2 answers

google-chrome --touch-devices="$(xinput -list | grep -o "Touchscreen.*id=[0-9]*" | grep -o  [0-9]*)"
google-chrome --touch-devices="`xinput -list | grep -o "Touchscreen.*id=[0-9]*" | grep -o  [0-9]*`"


The former is preferred.

ADVICE. Best practice is to run the command xinput

, make sure the output is what you expect, then pipe it togoogle-chrome



You can use command replacement :

$ google-chrome --touch-devices="$(xinput -list | grep -o "Touchscreen.*id=[0-9]*" | grep -o  [0-9]*)"




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