Determining the Firebird version with SQL (version <2.1)
I have an application that handles databases in various locations and I want to create a check that these databases are opened using Firebird 2.5 or newer. We recently migrated from Firebird 2.0 to 2.5 and we have many databases that answer
select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') as "version" from RDB$DATABASE
with SQL error code = -804 Function unknown RDB $ GET_CONTEXT. I think because they were built with Firebird 2.0 - restoring to 2.5 has been fixed.
Is there a way to determine which firebird service is in use that can be applied to databases older than 2.1?
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Can your client or connection API tell you? For example isqlSHOW VERSION
or DBD :: Firebird ib_database_info
If not, just think about it hard, researching functionality from the most recent to the most ancient. Note that support for ENGINE_VERSION was introduced in version 2.1 , so there isn't much to check:
SELECT rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION')... -- ENGINE_VERSION >= 2.1 SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) fb20; -- derived table -> FB 2.0 SELECT "fb15" FROM rdb$database WITH LOCK; -- LOCK -> FB 1.5 SELECT FIRST ... -- FIRST -> FB 1.0 else abort() -- prehistoric?
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