Bookshelf.js locked transactions

Is it possible to create atomic database transactions with bookshelf? I have a problem with duplicates in the database. The problematic code looks like this:

bookshelf.transaction(function (t) {
    var modelLocation = new Models.Location({'name':event.venue});
        .then(function (fetchedLocation) {
            if (!fetchedLocation) {
      ,{transacting:t}).then(function (savedModel) {
                }).catch(function (err) {


I am calling the method containing this code almost synchronously and asynchronously 20 times. Of these 20, there are 5 duplicate datasets. This results in about 2-3 duplicates in the database. The current workaround is to wrap the whole thing in a setTimeout with a random interval between 0 and 10 seconds, which almost never gives me duplicates. But this is clearly not a production-ready solution.


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2 answers

OK, so in the end I decided to go with the async.js library and queue it up. The queue ensures that a maximum of n asynchronous tasks are running concurrently. In this case 1. I created a module that exports the queue instance. This way I can use it for multiple modules. He's just waiting for the promise to fulfill.

var async = require('async');

module.exports = async.queue(function (task, callback) {
    task().then(function () {


Then in the module where I need an atomic transaction, I have the following code:

var queue = require('./transactionQueue');
    return bookshelf.transaction(function (t) {
        var modelLocation = new Models.Location({'name':event.venue});
        return modelLocation
            .then(function (fetchedLocation) {
                if (!fetchedLocation) {
                    return modelLocation


It's important to move the transaction into a function so that it doesn't get executed right away.



Since Bookshelf transactions are promises, you don't need to explicitly call commit()

or rollback()

. Just let a fulfilled promise make a commitment, or you can force a rollback by throwing an exception.

There was apparently a small bug in your code that could cause problems: the argument is missing in fetch()


- this argument is the result of a call fetch()

, an instance, if the object was found or null

if not.

bookshelf.transaction(function (t) {
  var modelLocation = new Models.Location({'name':event.venue});
  return modelLocation
    .then(function (fetchedLocation) {
        if (!fetchedLocation) {


I can't test it now, but hope it helps.



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